Day 9: 08.31.2020
Today I am thankful for all the accomplishments this young lady has made. At the end of the 2018/2019 school year, Tierney's brick and mortar school wanted to hold her back. She was not meeting their standards, to them taking her out of her classroom and putting her in a small group of other children once a week was all the help they needed to give her. They would not test her for an IEP, they would not work with her one on one, and there was never any mention of a tutor. No matter how hard we tried at home, using the resources they suggested, we were not seeing growth, and Tierney, as well as Abba and I, were feeling defeated. Like myself, Tierney learns differently than others, you can't just sit a book in front of her, tell her to read it, and expect her to understand. When Abba and I came home from that meeting, I was heartbroken for her, I sat, I prayed, and it hit me, I have always wanted to homeschool the children but also wanted a support system. That is when I found K12, I called them and from that point on, we were a go. They told us, they did not want to hold her back, they wanted to see where she was, and if she needed extra help, they would make it happen. Tierney started the 2019/2020 school year reading 26 words per minute, she could barely do any addition and could not subtract. K12 embraced how she learned, introduced us to new techniques, and was there when I just needed reassurance. Come to the end of the school year, she was reading around 126 words per minute, not only could she add, subtract, but she was starting on multiplication. She loves to read and I love listening to her read, I love seeing the confidence she has now. I am so proud of her and I am so thankful for K12. Here is a link to their website for anyone that might be interested,
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